
Fashion AI is a pioneering startup company leading the revolution in fashion design with generative artificial intelligence. By providing a platform that harnesses the power of AI, we're propelling independent fashion designers towards innovative design ideas, fueling creativity, and driving the future of fashion.
Our community is a vibrant mix of independent fashion designers, artists, and creative directors, who are constantly challenging the boundaries of creativity through weekly competitions. These creative endeavours result in a vast array of unique designs, which are showcased in our monthly magazine.
In addition to this, we host weekly community meetups, which include workshops and interviews that foster learning, sharing, and collaboration among our members.

Media Channels & Reach

LinkedIn - Our largest social media audience resides on LinkedIn. Our LinkedIn platform showcases industry news, AI technology advancements, and the professional achievements of our community members.
Instagram - Our Instagram platform, is our visual hub for showcasing the innovative designs generated through our AI technology.
Discord - Our Discord server is where our community thrives. Weekly competitions, workshops, meetups, and interviews are all coordinated here.
Twitter - Our Twitter account provides quick updates on events, weekly competition winners, and industry news.
Pinterest - On Pinterest, we curate inspiration boards and post AI-generated designs.
YouTube - Our YouTube channel, features video interviews, workshop recordings, and design showcases.
WhatsApp & Telegram - These platforms are used for smaller, focused groups within our community.

Audience Demographics

Our reach is global, with our largest audience hailing from the United Kingdom (36%), followed by the United States (15%), and Spain (7%). Other countries include Italy, Germany, Macedonia, France, Romania, Canada, India, China, Lithuania, Nigeria, and Turkey.

Community Roles

The heart of Fashion AI lies in its vibrant community comprising of:
  • Fashion Designers
  • Artists
  • Creative Directors
These talented individuals are continually pushing the boundaries of fashion design, supported and inspired by the cutting-edge technology of Fashion AI.

Key Contacts

For media inquiries, event invitations, or partnership opportunities, please reach out to:
Francesca Tabor, PR Manager -
Please Note: This media pack is current as of June 2023. For the most recent updates, please visit our social media platforms or website.


  • Mission & Vision
  • Our Team
  • Law & Ethics Advisors
  • Sustainability
  • Education
  • Creator Economy
  • Intellectual Property
  • Image Licencing

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